Addressing Health Equity Through Health and Housing Partnerships

This resource developed by CSH and the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council is intended to provide background information on health disparities, particularly for people of color, and the goal of health equity, with a focus on people who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness; explore how health centers and supportive housing providers, both of which target underserved populations and operate with holistic, client-centered approach to care, are uniquely positioned to advance health equity; offer suggestions for how health centers and supportive housing providers can work together and on their own to identify and address disparities and advance health equity.

While this paper will focus specifically on the roles of health centers and supportive housing providers, many suggestions can be generalized to other organizations in the health and housing fields, and there are roles for many other types of health and housing partners to play in advancing health equity.

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Categories: Anti-Racism, Clinical Practice, Ethical and Cultural Issues, Homeless Services
Tags: Additional Resources
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