Research: Trauma-Informed Organizations
ToolKit: Evaluating Readiness for Change
A readiness checklist can help prepare organizations for a system-wide change process. Prior to conducting the assessment, a committee/workgroup should review each item on the checklist.
NHCHC’s checklist (see Appendix A) contains 27 items organized by the following sections: Overall Program, Executive Leadership, Board of Directors, TI Committee, Staff, and Consumer Leadership. Before conducting the assessment, organizations are strongly encouraged to review NHCHC’s readiness checklist line-by-line, discuss areas of needed development, and work toward achieving each task listed.
There may be additional tasks an organization would need to accomplish to successfully conduct the assessment and create a change plan. Organizations are encouraged to discuss and brainstorm these additional tasks and add to the list to fit the needs of the organization and community.
As with the assessment, the conversations and brainstorming around the checklist will be informative, such as how different positions within the organization view each task, exactly how each task fits or relates to the organization’s current structure, and where efforts can be focused.