2020 Governing Membership Agenda

2020 Governing Membership Meeting Agenda

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All times Central Time (CT)

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Day 1 | Thursday, October 1, 2020

(All times CT)

11-11:30 a.m. – Welcome, Announcements, and Ice Breaker

Tamisha McPherson, NHCHC Board President; Executive Director/Chief Program Officer, Upper Room AIDS Ministry (URAM)/Harlem United, New York, NY

Bobby Watts, CEO, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Nashville, TN

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Concurrent Breakout Sessions

  • Elective 1: HRSA Update with Jim Macrae

Join us for a conversation with Jim Macrae, Associate Administrator of the Bureau of Primary Health Care, as he provides the latest HRSA updates affecting HCH programs and answers our questions.

Moderated by Jacob Moody, NHCHC Board President-Elect, San Francisco, CA.

  • Elective 2: Fundraising in a COVID-19 World

This session will focus on a range of sources, strategies, and suggestions for fundraising in the COVID-19 era, including accessing Foundation Directory Online at an affordable rate, identifying prospective companies for product donations, stewarding and soliciting individual donors, 2020 trends and actions to leverage end-of-year fundraising, creating a unique theme for messaging, and implementing a plan for soliciting vendors.

Maureen Neal, Chair of the NHCHC Advancement Committee; Chief Operating Officer, Advancement (Retired), Daily Planet Health Care for the Homeless, Richmond, VA

Dorothy (Dott) Freeman, Senior Director of Advancement, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Nashville, TN

12:30-12:45 p.m. – Break

12:45-1:30 p.m. – Keynote Address on Anti-Racism

What is structural racism, and why is it important to us?  This session will address the historic roots of racism and homelessness, how societal structures perpetuate and exacerbate disparities rooted in race, and why and how one Health Care for the Homeless agency decided to address this head-on. We will hear steps the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program has taken, and lessons they are learning along the way. The speaker brings her perspective and experience as a judge in Louisiana to her analyses and her work at BHCHP.

Sonja Spears, JD, Chief Equity Officer, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Boston, MA

1:30-2 p.m. – Lunch Break

2-2:45 p.m. – Supporting Staff Mental Health

As agency leaders, directors, and supervisors, how do we stay grounded and bring forth our humanity during these turbulent times? How do we facilitate a mentally healthy workplace culture? How do we recognize mental health challenges individual staff are experiencing? What do they need? How do we listen and respond well? Join us in identifying principles and practices to help staff adapt and thrive in this extraordinary period of our lives.

Ken Kraybill, Senior Trainer, C4 Innovations, Seattle, WA

2:45-3 p.m. – Break

3-3:45 p.m. – NCAB Presentation: How CABs Responded to the Pandemic

This panel discussion will feature Consumer Advisory Board members and staff support from Camillus Health Concern, Care for the Homeless, and Callen-Lorde sharing about the work they have done during the pandemic. CABs will talk about their work to provide necessary resources to consumers on the ground, supporting service delivery changes such as telehealth, and recruiting new members to continue to grow the representation on the CAB.

Katherine Cavanaugh, Consumer Advocate, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Baltimore, MD

David Peery, NCAB Co-Chair, Camillus Health Concern, Miami, FL

Elving Caraballo, CAB Chair, Camillus Health Concern, Miami, FL

Nathalie Interiano, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Care for the Homeless, New York City, NY

Finn Brigham, Director of Program Management, Callen-Lorde, New York City, NY

3:45-4 p.m. – Day 1 Wrap-Up and Sneak Peek of Day 2 Agenda

Amy Grassette, NHCHC Board Secretary; OB/Perinatal Scheduler, Family Health Center, Worcester, MA

Day 2 | Friday, October 2, 2020

(All times CT)

11-11:30 a.m. – Ice Breaker and Announcements

Dana Gamble, NHCHC Board Immediate-Past President; Assistant Deputy Director, Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, Santa Barbara, CA

11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. -“Winter is Coming” – How Are We Preparing? 

A collection of issues is unfolding across the country: natural disasters, flu season, ongoing COVID-19 response, cold weather, evictions (in spite of the CDC order), and the cumulative trauma of racism/uprisings/oppression/suppression/elections. We likely will see an increase in new patients experiencing homelessness and elevated levels of anxiety and related poor health outcomes. This also comes at a time when everyone is exhausted. How do we prepare, respond, and advocate for change?

Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Baltimore, MD

12:15-12:30 p.m. – Policy (Video) Presentation

“Good Trouble in the HCH Community”


12:30-12:45 p.m. – Break

12:45-1:45 p.m. – Lessons Learned from Leading in the Midst of Change

Leadership is most important in times when the road ahead is uncharted. We are facing challenges that are unprecedented in our century. We will learn from leaders of three HCH programs that had remarkable responses to the COVID pandemic, who will share leadership lessons that are transferrable and can be of help to all of us in these uncertain times.

Jonathan Santos-Ramos, Director, Community Engagement, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, NY, NY

Cheryl Ho, Medical Director, Hope Clinic, San Jose, CA

Brian Haile, CEO, Neighborhood Health, Nashville, TN

Bobby Watts, Moderator

1:45-2:15 p.m. – Lunch Break

2:15-3:15 p.m. – Concurrent Breakout Sessions

  • Elective 1: Trauma-Informed Organizations and COVID-19 Response

Over the past three years, the Council convened a Trauma-Informed Organizations Learning Collaborative to better understand how health centers can incorporate trauma-informed principles into their policy, practices, and procedures; which was ending just as the pandemic began. During this session, you will hear how Learning Collaborative Members have thought of their response to the pandemic in light of their intensive trauma-informed work and advice they have for health centers. After hearing their thoughts, we will have a facilitated discussion on how other organizations have approached their response with a trauma-informed lens and how we can move forward with grace and energy.

Moderator: Katherine Cavanaugh, Consumer Advocate, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Baltimore, MD

  • Elective 2: Optimizing Telehealth in the HCH Community

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic promoted telehealth to be the safest way to deliver most care to people experiencing homelessness. With the use of technology increasing exponentially at HCH health centers, the Council responded by publishing case studies and sponsoring coffee chats featuring HCH health centers utilizing both audio and video technology. However, advocacy combined with more resources is needed to optimize telehealth in the HCH community. During this facilitated discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback on an upcoming policy brief highlighting the key public policies impacting telehealth programmatic operations and patient care. We will also take time to identify telehealth training priorities, including answering the questions: What can the Council do to increase technology literacy and improve the experience of providers and patients engaged in virtual care? What additional advocacy resources are needed to assist your work at the state level?

Darlene Jenkins, Senior Director of Programs, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Nashville, TN

  • Elective 3: The Hard Work of Dismantling Institutional Racism

If we were not already doing so, the murders of George Floyd and countless others have pushed many NHCHC members to examine our complicity in racist systems. We know that every facet of our operations merits a racial justice lens. But stumbling blocks abound. This session will hold space for difficult conversations about what it means to institutionalize antiracism in organizations serving people without homes, drawing on reflections from the Council’s learning collaboratives on racial justice and previewing an upcoming publication.

Michael Durham, Technical Assistance Manager, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Nashville, TN

3:15-3:30 p.m. – Closing Remarks

Tamisha McPherson, Board President; Executive Director/Chief Program Officer, Upper Room AIDS Ministry (URAM)/Harlem United, New York, NY

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