Meet the Recipient of the First Trailblazer in CA Recuperative Care Award!

The National Institute for Medical Respite Care, a special program of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, is delighted to announce that the very first Trailblazer in California Recuperative Care Award has been awarded to Sandra Maple-Deaver of Gospel Center Rescue Mission in Stockton.

Maple-Deaver received her award at the inaugural California Respite Care Symposium in Sacramento Sept. 12, 2024.

Maple-Deaver is a wife, mother, and most importantly, a child of God. For almost a decade, she has dedicated her life to serving those in Recuperative Care at the Gospel Center Rescue Mission in Stockton. She has helped serve more than 100,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in the only shelter to provide a recuperative care program in San Joaquin County since 2008 and more than 5,000 bed days in the only COVID-positive shelter that provided care to those who have no other place to go in San Joaquin County. 

Congratulations and thanks to Sandra Maple-Deaver for her incredible service to her community, and for the work of the whole team at Gospel Center Rescue Mission!

The Trailblazer in California Recuperative Care Award is an honor created in 2024 and presented by the Respite Care Providers’ Network in collaboration with NIMRC and NHCHC. The 2024 award was generously sponsored by Adventist Health.

This award honors the outstanding work of one influential leader in the advancement of recuperative care services in California, where leaders are blazing a bold path forward for the entire nation in the advancement of medical respite services and innovation.

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