Effectiveness in Consumer Governance

Webinar Slides(PDF)

Consumers have a unique role in Health Center governance and advocacy as their experiences can guide policies and practices at health centers and in the larger community. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council recommends HCH grantees create consumer advisory boards (CABs) as the vehicle for meaningfully engaging consumers in their governance structures.

This webinar will explain the importance of consumer contribution to governance and how CABs can create those spaces, and offer recommendations for CAB best practices. Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless will share the model they employ to encourage consumer participation in feedback and governance at their site.


  • Amy Grassette, Former Chair, National Consumer Advisory Board, Worcester, MA
  • Kristin Leve, Client Board Advisory Committee, Albuquerque HCH, Albuquerque, NM
Categories: Consumer Engagement, Governance
Tags: Webinar
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