Don’t Miss These Upcoming Medical Respite Webinars

RCPN Coffee Chat: Integrating Program Issues into Policy & Advocacy

Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. CDT

Many medical respite programs and providers are focused on day-to-day operations and meeting the needs of their clients. However, many of the most challenging issues facing the medical respite community are heavily influenced by the broader public policy environment, and it’s important for program leaders to know how and when to engage with policymakers. This Coffee Chat will present two challenging (but common) scenarios encountered in medical respite programs with opportunity to engage in discussion about how to address these issues. We will acknowledge program issues, but then discuss the relationship to policy and possible advocacy actions. Please join us to talk about how we can better integrate our direct care service with the policy changes needed to ensure an equitable, high-quality health care system.

Sustainability for Medical Respite Programs: Strategies and Recommendations

Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. CDT

Financial sustainability is a central issue in building and operating a medical respite program. Programs are often challenged with managing multiple funding streams that require partnerships and differing requirements for reporting and data collection for each funding source. This webinar will provide an overview of the importance of finding sustainable funding for medical respite programs, explore value-based contracting, and uncover methods to maximize billable services. This will include strategies and tactics to assist in working with a variety of financing partners. During the webinar, we will share real-world case studies to illustrate successful approaches, and reserve time for questions.

Medical Respite Programs and Managed Care Organizations: Recommendations for Collaboration and Sustainability

Oct. 25 at 2 p.m. CDT

Partnering with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) presents both opportunities and challenges for medical respite care programs. However, the interest in medical respite programs within MCOs is growing! This webinar will provide an overview of Managed Care Organizations and their relationship to medical respite care. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about state-level coverages, contract considerations, and gain insights from case studies. We will highlight the different way programs can partner with MCOs for sustainable funding. This webinar will also allow time for discussion with attendees and presenters.

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