NHCHC Resources

Surviving Severe Weather: Tools to Promote Emergency Preparedness for People Experiencing Homelessness

Surviving Severe Weather: Tools to Promote Emergency Preparedness for People Experiencing Homelessness Personal preparedness is a critical component of emergency planning. Yet, mainstream efforts to promote preparedness typically focus on people who are housed and have the resources to stockpile food and supplies, and shelter in place. Few communities have adequately prepared people with limited

Surviving Severe Weather: Tools to Promote Emergency Preparedness for People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Complete Advocacy Toolkit

Advocacy Tools for the Healthcare for the Homeless Community Download Research (PDF) Section 1: Advocacy: Defined and Demystified Section 2: Integrating Service and Advocacy Section 3: The Legislative Process Section 4: HCH Advocacy in Action Section 5: Successful Meetings with Legislators

Complete Advocacy Toolkit

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