Research and Data

Homeless mortality data for surveillance and policy change: insights from four SF Bay Area Counties

Mortality data is a crucial epidemiological surveillance tool that homeless health care providers use to improve health and reduce deaths while highlighting the enormous risks faced by unhoused people. Four SF Bay Area Counties share how they put mortality data into action, describing how homeless mortality data is used to drive changes to reduce deaths, […]

Homeless mortality data for surveillance and policy change: insights from four SF Bay Area Counties Read More >>

COVID-19 Data Fact Sheet: April 2020 – March 2023

This fact sheet aims to illuminate key aspects of the impact of COVID-19 on individuals experiencing homelessness, offering insights into testing statistics, vaccination efforts, and the broader implications on public health. By understanding the specific challenges faced by this population, we can better inform targeted interventions and support systems to mitigate the impact of the

COVID-19 Data Fact Sheet: April 2020 – March 2023 Read More >>

Creating and Using a Change Map

Explore the Change Map tool as a way to navigate new and adapted practices to better serve people experiencing homelessness. Examine the considerations necessary to thoughtfully address consumer needs while building buy-in within your organization and with partners. Take Online Course Now

Creating and Using a Change Map

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging 

The need for housing prioritization results from a lack of affordable housing. Existing tools have been applied universally and have resulted in further inequity. This toolkit is intended to help communities create a process that centers equity and community-specific needs. Download the fact sheet, Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging,

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging  Read More >>

Collecting SOGI Data in a HCH Setting- a Multi-Pronged Approach

Collecting patients’ Sexual Orientation and Gender identity (SOGI) information is recognized as a key aspect of providing holistic, patient-centered health care. It is an intervention that fosters retention in care for gender and/or sexual minority patients who often feel unconnected and invisible to health care providers who have no knowledge of their patients’ gender identity

Collecting SOGI Data in a HCH Setting- a Multi-Pronged Approach Read More >>

Resources: Fact Sheet

Heart Disease Fact Sheet

Heart disease and diabetes are significant health concerns among the homeless population in the United States. Homelessness exacerbates the risk factors and challenges associated with these conditions, leading to poorer health outcomes and increased mortality rates. This fact sheet provides an overview of heart disease and diabetes within the homeless community, highlighting key statistics, risk

Heart Disease Fact Sheet

Falling Through the Cracks: LGBTQ+ Disparities in Homelessness

Staying up-to-date on the growing field of homelessness research presents a considerable challenge for the busy clinician or administrator. This workshop will present a plain-language summary of selected scientific studies on the health of homeless people that have been published since January 1, 2022. The presentation will focus on scientific contributions in the following domains

Falling Through the Cracks: LGBTQ+ Disparities in Homelessness Read More >>

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