Research and Data

Introduction to the Health Care for the Homeless Model of Care

Webinar Slides(PDF) Meeting the complex needs of patients experiencing homelessness can be difficult to do in traditional health care settings. Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Programs are specifically designed to meet the specialized health care needs of these patients. This webinar will give an overview of the HCH Program and the models of care […]

Introduction to the Health Care for the Homeless Model of Care Read More >>

Serving Patients Experiencing Homelessness in Hospital Systems

Serving Patients Experiencing Homelessness in Hospital Systems slides(PPT) Mobilizer Interview with Josh Green(PDF) Trinity Health HCH Example Book(PDF) Trinity RHM Homeless Scorecard FY17(PDF) Policy Brief_Respite Financing(PDF) Homelessness Quality Brief June 2015(PDF)   Patients experiencing homelessness have complex needs that are difficult to meet in fragmented systems. Providing coordinated care helps to better manage conditions, reduce

Serving Patients Experiencing Homelessness in Hospital Systems

Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: How the Opioid Crisis Affects Homeless Populations

Brett Poe and Alaina Boyer, National Health Care for the Homeless Council This fact sheet examines how the opioid crisis affects people without homes. America is facing an opioid crisis, and that epidemic has significantly impacted people without homes. Homeless populations have higher rates of substance use disorders, poorer health, and higher mortality rates by

Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: How the Opioid Crisis Affects Homeless Populations Read More >>

Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Impact of the Health Care for the Homeless Grantees

Alaina Boyer, National Health Care for the Homeless Council Demonstrating the value of health centers is a necessary element of sustainability and measuring benefit. To help illustrate that value, this document provides an overview of the complex challenges facing homeless populations, the history of Health Care for the Homeless, and the critical impact of the

Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Impact of the Health Care for the Homeless Grantees Read More >>

Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Value and Impact of the Health Care for the Homeless Grantees

Value Infographic(PDF) Capital Link Toolkit(PDF) PowerPoint Slides(PDF)   Demonstrating the value of health centers is a necessary element of sustainability and measuring benefit. How value is assessed can range from illustrating cost-effectiveness and evaluating performance measures to ensuring access to reliable, high-quality, and equitable care. The purpose of this webinar is to provide a clear,

Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Value and Impact of the Health Care for the Homeless Grantees Read More >>

Creating and Delivering Presentations that Inspire, Challenge, and Change the World!

Webinar Slides(PDF) Do you have something important to share that could change how people think and act? If so, the way you present your information is just as important as the information itself. People learn and retain knowledge best when it is presented in an engaging and interactive way that inspires and helps people apply new concepts

Creating and Delivering Presentations that Inspire, Challenge, and Change the World! Read More >>

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