
Fact Sheet: President’s FY25 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community

President Biden released his FY2025 budget on March 11, which sets the top-line spending and policy priorities the Administration would like to see the Congress pursue as they take up their own process for determining how the federal government is funded moving forward. At the time of final preparation of the budget, Congress has not

Fact Sheet: President’s FY25 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community Read More >>

Fact Sheet: President’s FY24 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community

President Biden released his FY2024 budget on March 9, which sets the top-line spending and policy priorities the Administration would like to see the Congress pursue as they take up their own process for determining how the federal government is funded moving forward. This fact sheet outlines the provisions contained in the President’s budget that

Fact Sheet: President’s FY24 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community Read More >>

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