Policy and Advocacy

Issue Brief: Status of State-Level Medicaid Benefits for Medical Respite Care

Medicaid respite care programs are rapidly growing in response to a rising need for people experiencing homelessness to have access to post-acute care in a safe, stable environment coupled with an increased awareness of the program model. While there are numerous financing strategies that work for medical respite programs, more state Medicaid plans and managed […]

Issue Brief: Status of State-Level Medicaid Benefits for Medical Respite Care Read More >>

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

This course provides an introduction to integrated care approaches in homeless health care and is directed at clinicians and service providers. The course will define integrated care and review specific programmatic and communication strategies to build integrated care practices from the individual level up to broader systemic change. Finally, the course will provide examples of

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

MRC – Relationships with Managed Care Organizations

Medicaid and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) have demonstrated increased interest in partnering and funding medical respite care programs. Navigating this process can be complex and challenging, and this course provides an initial overview of Medicaid and how medical respite programs can approach partnerships with MCOs. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are

MRC – Relationships with Managed Care Organizations

MRC – Relationships with Hospitals

Hospitals are often one of the key partners for medical respite care programs. This course addresses how medical respite care programs can develop and maintain relationships with hospitals to for ongoing partnership and support. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress will be saved if you

MRC – Relationships with Hospitals

HCH 101

This 11 module course will equip learners with a clear understanding of the context of modern homelessness and its effect on health; detail the core characteristics of Health Care for the Homeless model of care; and explore ways learners can get involved in the movement to end homelessness. Each module is intended to take approximately

HCH 101

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