Clinical Practice

Standards for Shelter-Based Health Care: Outreach, Engagement and Providing Services

The Standards for Shelter-Based Care were originally drafted as part of the Chicago Homelessness and Health Response Group for Equity (CHHRGE) in 2020. Throughout 2023, leaders within Chicago’s Shelter-Based Care Teams—Heartland Alliance Health and Lawndale Christian Health Center—worked with the Chicago Department of Public Health and Illinois Public Health Institute to update. Download Research (PDF)

Standards for Shelter-Based Health Care: Outreach, Engagement and Providing Services Read More >>

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging

The need for housing prioritization results from a lack of affordable housing. Existing tools have been applied universally and have resulted in further inequity. This toolkit is intended to help communities create a process that centers equity and community-specific needs. Download the fact sheet, Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging,

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging Read More >>

Trauma Informed Approaches

This course will provide an overview of the concepts of trauma and trauma informed care for patients who are interacting with Vaccine Ambassadors seeking to help with vaccine hesitancy for the COVID-19 vaccination. Learn the fundamentals of trauma, trauma-informed principles, and secondary trauma and how to identify and utilize these skills within the Vaccine Ambassador

Trauma Informed Approaches

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

This course provides an introduction to integrated care approaches in homeless health care and is directed at clinicians and service providers. The course will define integrated care and review specific programmatic and communication strategies to build integrated care practices from the individual level up to broader systemic change. Finally, the course will provide examples of

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

MRC – The Role of Community Health Workers, Case Managers, and Peers

Case managers, community health workers (CHWs), and peers are often the primary staff responsible for care coordination and implementation of care plans in medical respite. Beyond this, they build relationships and safety for medical respite care clients. This course provides an overview of each role within the medical respite program and recommended best and promising

MRC – The Role of Community Health Workers, Case Managers, and Peers Read More >>

Hep C Symposium

This 3.5 hour, in-depth course guides attendees through an understanding of Hepatitis C trends in the US, treatment options, and supporting the needs of people experiencing homelessness and/or using substances who are interested in treating their hepatitis C. Attendees will hear from people with lived expertise, clinicians, and experts in the field of hepatitis C

Hep C Symposium