Infectious Disease

Prevention & Response to Infectious Diseases Within the Homeless Population

Prevention and response procedures to infectious disease outbreaks often do not address the unique circumstances of persons experiencing homelessness. This fact sheet highlights infectious diseases within this population, addresses challenges in the event of an outbreak, and provides strategies and tools that can be used to prevent and respond to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. […]

Prevention & Response to Infectious Diseases Within the Homeless Population Read More >>

Integrating Routine HIV Testing into Care: Strategies for Improvement and Partnership

Integrating Routine HIV Testing into Care: Strategies for Improvement and Partnership June 24, 2015 | 1-2 p.m. Eastern   Webinar Slides(PDF) In recognition of HIV testing day (June 27, 2015), the National HCH Council will host a webinar on HIV testing strategies. HIV testing and counseling are the cornerstones of HIV prevention response, allowing individuals

Integrating Routine HIV Testing into Care: Strategies for Improvement and Partnership Read More >>

Homeless Care Providers and Rapid HIV Testing

Patrina Twilley and Darlene Jenkins, National Health Care for the Homeless Council  HIV testing and counseling are the cornerstones of HIV prevention response, allowing individuals to know their HIV status and access appropriate services. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends routine, voluntary HIV screening for all patients aged 13 to 65 years in

Homeless Care Providers and Rapid HIV Testing

Homeless Care Providers and Rapid HIV Testing (2015)

The health status of people experiencing homelessness is difficult to generalize given the diverse characteristics, such as gender, age, race, and time spent in homelessness, that contribute to overall health; however, medical conditions frequently noted among homeless persons include HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, and Hepatitis C. Estimates of HIV prevalence among unstably housed people

Homeless Care Providers and Rapid HIV Testing (2015) Read More >>

Healing Hands: Tuberculosis: A Persistent Threat to Public Health (2014)

Although the overall number of new tuberculosis (TB) cases reported in the United States continues to decline, challenges remain that impede progress toward the national public health goal of TB elimination. Initiatives to increase TB awareness, testing, and treatment of latent infection and TB disease will be critical to future TB elimination efforts, especially among

Healing Hands: Tuberculosis: A Persistent Threat to Public Health (2014) Read More >>

Hepatitis C Handbook (2014)

This comic book presents basic information about hepatitis C for people living with mental illness or substance use disorders. It uses plain language and a simple cartoon style to explain what hepatitis C is, how to avoid it, the screening process, and treatment options. Download Handbook (Link)

Hepatitis C Handbook (2014)

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