Homeless Services

Promoting Safety in Street Outreach

Webinar Slides(PDF) The overall rise in homelessness over the last five years is largely attributable to the spike in unsheltered homelessness specifically. Communities across the country witnessed proliferation of encampments and others living in outdoor locations. This was exacerbated by COVID-19 in which gathering spaces (e.g., shelters, day centers, libraries, etc.) for people experiencing homelessness […]

Promoting Safety in Street Outreach

Filling the HCH Gap: Case Studies of Non-HCH Health Centers Serving People Experiencing Homelessness

The HRSA Health Center (330(e)) program provides primary health services to medically underserved populations, including people experiencing homelessness, regardless of their ability to pay. While Health Care for the Homeless (HCH, 330(h)) health centers are required to serve people experiencing homelessness, all health centers can serve unstably housed patients. This is particularly important to consider

Filling the HCH Gap: Case Studies of Non-HCH Health Centers Serving People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

CDC HPV Vaccine Information

Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. This website covers why the HPV vaccine is important, who should get the vaccine, vaccine effectiveness and safety, access to free or low-cost vaccines, what vaccinated individuals need to know, and other ways to prevent HPV and cervical cancer. Download Research (PDF)

CDC HPV Vaccine Information

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