Ethical and Cultural Issues

Moral injury in the context of street homelessness

The presenters will define the concept of moral injury in the context of street homelessness and invite participants to share examples of potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) from their lived and/or practice experience, utilize case vignettes to workshop language around moral injury that outreach workers and clinicians can use, and jointly identify teaching and organizational […]

Moral injury in the context of street homelessness Read More >>

Poverty Guidelines

Presented by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: The federal poverty guidelines are issued each year by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These guidelines are one version of the poverty thresholds that are used administratively to HUD determine eligibility for various programs, including health centers. Download Research (PDF)

Poverty Guidelines

The Longest Journey Starts with a Single Step: Reflections on Antiracism in Organizations Serving People Without Homes

This paper is written by two staff members of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council who each bring their perspectives as people deeply committed to race equity and antiracism. One is African American, one is white. One is older, and one younger. One is middle-management, and one is the CEO. We co-led the

The Longest Journey Starts with a Single Step: Reflections on Antiracism in Organizations Serving People Without Homes Read More >>

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