Provider Burnout

IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work

With increasing demands on time, resources, and energy, in addition to poorly designed systems of daily work, it’s not surprising health care professionals are experiencing burnout at increasingly higher rates, with staff turnover rates also on the rise. Yet, joy in work is more than just the absence of burnout or an issue of individual […]

IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work

Healing Hands: The Challenges of Supervision in HCH: Helping Staff Succeed

Supervising staff in today’s health care settings is difficult at best. Patients present with complex needs, time and resources are scarce, and managed care requirements exert pressure to do more with less. But supervision in Health Care for the Homeless programs is fraught with a special set of challenges, including the need to oversee staff

Healing Hands: The Challenges of Supervision in HCH: Helping Staff Succeed Read More >>

Healing Hands: Coping with Stress, Creating & Maintaining Hope

In this issue of Healing Hands, we examine the spiritual and psycho- logical roots of their ability to cope with stress while creating and maintaining hope for clients, colleagues and themselves. In the midst of year-end pressures, we conducted interviews with ten HCH clinicians, practicing in different regions of the United States, and representing a

Healing Hands: Coping with Stress, Creating & Maintaining Hope Read More >>

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