Best Practices

“Got Milk?” Responding to Pediatric Dental Injuries of Homeless Children

Advertisements declare that milk builds strong bones and teeth for children, but it also can be a critical solution during a dental emergency. Dental trauma is extremely common among children. One-third of five-year-olds have suffered injury to their primary teeth and one-fourth of 12-year-olds have suffered injury to their permanent teeth.1 Knowing the right response

“Got Milk?” Responding to Pediatric Dental Injuries of Homeless Children Read More >>

Access to Medications by Underserved Populations: Recommendations for Process Improvement

The operation of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (P&T) is the cornerstone of pharmaceutical management. Clinician representation in the P&T Committee process, which involves an evidence-based approach to clinical decision making, is part of the transdisciplinary team model that ACU supports. This sharing of knowledge and expertise, along with trust and respect, provides some assurance

Access to Medications by Underserved Populations: Recommendations for Process Improvement Read More >>

Developing Outcome Measures

Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) grantees need to track measurable outcomes to determine whether their services are having a positive impact on clients and to provide an empirical basis for improving quality of care. They also need a means of ensuring accountability to funders. This report addresses difficulties and potential benefits that HCH projects

Developing Outcome Measures

Integration of Primary Care & Behavioral Health: Report on a Roundtable Discussion of Strategies for Private Health Insurance

This Report on Strategies for Private Health Insurance was written by Elaine Alfano, Bazelon Center policy analyst, and edited and designed by publications director Lee Carty. It is a companion document to GET IT TOGETHER, the Bazelon Center’s report on integration of health and behavioral health care in the public sector. We gratefully acknowledge the

Integration of Primary Care & Behavioral Health: Report on a Roundtable Discussion of Strategies for Private Health Insurance Read More >>

Healing Hands: Disaster Planning Requires Time, Resources, Collaboration

Health care providers have long prepared for natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes, but they are now acutely aware of the need to prepare for nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) terrorism, as well. Lacking protection from the elements, homeless people are especially vul- nerable to natural and manmade disasters and Health Care

Healing Hands: Disaster Planning Requires Time, Resources, Collaboration Read More >>

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