Best Practices

Health Outcomes & Data Measures: A Quick Guide for Health Center & Housing Partnerships

Partnerships between health centers and supportive housing providers employing a “Housing First” approach1 have shown reductions in emergency department utilizations, inpatient hospital stays, and costs to the health system, increased use of preventative primary and behavioral health care as well as high rates of housing retention.2 Clinical outcomes assessing changes in mental health status and […]

Health Outcomes & Data Measures: A Quick Guide for Health Center & Housing Partnerships Read More >>

Compassion Fatigue

Presented by the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project. ​High levels of compassion fatigue can be managed with a number of authentic, sustainable strategies. This site has numerous resources we have found for caregivers working in many professions. The Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project also offers original training materials, workbooks, and texts. Link to Video (Link)

Compassion Fatigue

Self-Care: Taking Care of Our Selves So We Can Take Care of Others

Outreach programs support health centers to provide quality and responsive services to underserved communities by connecting to individuals where they live, work, and spend time. Outreach workers play many roles—from advocate, educator, and coordinator to service provider—which can be challenging and overwhelming. In HOP’s 2015 National Needs Assessment, health centers across the country reported staff

Self-Care: Taking Care of Our Selves So We Can Take Care of Others Read More >>

Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System

People experiencing homelessness have disproportionately high rates of acute and chronic disease and behavioral health conditions and are high utilizers of all components of the health care system. In an era of growing focus on social determinants of health, value-based reimbursements based on risk factors, population health, and better health outcomes, more accurate data on

Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System Read More >>

Shelter Health: Opportunities for Health Care for the Homeless Projects

Health centers can play a key role in improving shelter health for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. In addition to screening and treating conditions that arise in the shelter setting, health centers can work with local shelters and public health departments to mitigate health risks by developing strategies to prevent, identify and resolve drivers of

Shelter Health: Opportunities for Health Care for the Homeless Projects Read More >>

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