Emergency Preparedness

Pandemic Influenza Guidance for Homeless Shelters & Homeless Service Providers

Homeless shelters and other homeless service sites continue to play an important part in protecting the health of the people they serve. People using homeless services depend on providers to maintain healthy living environments and to take measures to decrease the risk of influenza transmission. Homeless persons may bear particular risk of contracting influenza because

Pandemic Influenza Guidance for Homeless Shelters & Homeless Service Providers Read More >>

Healing Hands: Disaster Planning Requires Time, Resources, Collaboration

Health care providers have long prepared for natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes, but they are now acutely aware of the need to prepare for nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) terrorism, as well. Lacking protection from the elements, homeless people are especially vul- nerable to natural and manmade disasters and Health Care

Healing Hands: Disaster Planning Requires Time, Resources, Collaboration Read More >>

Health care at the crossroads: Strategies for creating and sustaining community-wide emergency preparedness systems

Prepared by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the purpose of this report is to frame the issues that must be addressed in developing community-wide preparedness and to delineate federal and state responsibilities for eliminating barriers and for facilitating and sustaining—through leadership, funding and other resource deployment—community-based emergency preparedness across the United States.

Health care at the crossroads: Strategies for creating and sustaining community-wide emergency preparedness systems Read More >>

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