Conditions and Issues

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness Webinar

The National Network for Oral Health Access and the National HCH Council partnered to present this webinar on oral health and diabetes for patients experiencing homelessness. This webinar reviews barriers to oral health care for patients experiencing homelessness, examines the prevalence of diabetes and periodontal disease in this population, and features organizations with experience in treating […]

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness Webinar Read More >>

Healing Hands: Patient-Centered Care: Case Studies on End of Life

People without homes experience complex health needs that become increasingly difficult to manage when diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Caregivers must implement patient-centered palliative care methods and strategies that ensure the patient is at the center of the treatment process and are sensitive to relieving suffering and improving quality of life. This issue of Healing Hands

Healing Hands: Patient-Centered Care: Case Studies on End of Life Read More >>

Suicide and Homelessness: Data Trends in Suicide and Mental Health Among Homeless Populations

This fact sheet was developed by the National Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Council as part of a series related to emerging issues in the HCH field. To determine areas of interest, the Council met with the HCH Clinician’s Network Steering Committee and together, prioritized those topics that the clinicians identified the need of

Suicide and Homelessness: Data Trends in Suicide and Mental Health Among Homeless Populations Read More >>

Health Impacts of Weather on People Experiencing Homelessness

Presented by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. People experiencing homelessness are vulnerable to the adverse health impacts of weather, and these impacts may worsen with climate change. This study was conducted to inform healthy public policy and service planning considerations to better protect the health of people experiencing homelessness during extreme weather.

Health Impacts of Weather on People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Adapting Your Practice: Recommendations for the Care of Patients Who Are Homeless or Unstably Housed Living with the Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults in the United States and is associated with disabilities that may interfere with a person’s capacity to maintain stable housing, employment, and relationships. Research has shown high rates of cognitive impairment among people experiencing homelessness. Our new resource

Adapting Your Practice: Recommendations for the Care of Patients Who Are Homeless or Unstably Housed Living with the Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury Read More >>

Nutrition and Diabetes: Special Considerations for Clients who Are Unstably Housed

Webinar Slides(PDF) Diabetes occurs at approximately the same rate in the homeless and general populations; however, diagnosis and management of diabetes in individuals experiencing homelessness remains greatly challenging. Homelessness creates additional difficulties when clients are trying to manage diabetes within the constraints of living in a shelter or on the streets, and having access to

Nutrition and Diabetes: Special Considerations for Clients who Are Unstably Housed Read More >>

Coffee Chat: Competency & Decision-Making

PowerPoint Slides(PDF) Part of the “Coffee Chat” series for clinicians, this session will explore issues related to competency and decision-making. Clinicians caring for people experiencing homelessness sometimes face challenging situations, including considering the role mental health and substance use play in a person’s ability to make decisions, and addressing the tension between wanting to “fix”

Coffee Chat: Competency & Decision-Making

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