Community Conversation Will Cover Strategies for Clinician Self-Care

Clinicians serving people experiencing homelessness are often well aware of the role self-care plays in one’s well-being and ability to care for others. We also know that self-care cannot only focus on the individual, but requires the support of teams, organizations, and communities. What can we learn from each other to foster renewal and restoration in our work and our lives?

Join the National Health Care for the Homeless Council for an interactive Community Conversation on April 24 at 11 a.m. CDT. We’ll hear from a panel of clinicians discussing their experiences with self-care, and together we’ll explore individual and organizational strategies that support well-being.

Community Conversations are not webinars; they are discussions on issues affecting providers of all types who serve people who are unhoused. Community Conversations are meant to foster mutual support and problem-solving, and attendees are invited to share openly and encourage others, not just listen. All participants are encouraged to have their cameras on if possible, and to facilitate a safer space, the conversations will not be recorded.

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