2021 Respite Care Providers’ Network Steering Committee Nominations

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2021 Respite Care Providers’ Network Steering Committee Nominations

We invite you to nominate yourself, a colleague or a program participant for a position on the National Health Care for the Homeless Respite Care Providers’ Network (RCPN) Steering Committee. Consisting of 15 members, the RCPN Steering Committee helps guide the work of the National Institute for Medical Respite Care. To accomplish this work, the Committee meets monthly by teleconference and twice annually in person – once in October at the Council headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, and again in conjunction with the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference.

Serving in this capacity provides opportunities for professional development, collaboration with others involved in medical respite care, and active participation in directing the Council’s work on the national level. Learn more about Steering Committee roles and responsibilities.

Whom Should I Nominate?

The Steering Committee is committed to reflecting the diversity of the medical respite care field in its composition, including diversity of discipline, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geography, and lived experience of homelessness. We encourage applications from hands-on medical respite providers, administrators, and funders. We are especially interested in consumer representatives.

Nomination Requirements

  • Any network member may nominate a candidate for election to the Steering Committee.
  • The candidate must have experience with medical respite care.
  • The candidate must have been a member of the RCPN for at least one year by the time of his or her election to the Steering Committee.
  • Self-nomination is acceptable and encouraged.

Nomination Process

Nominations must be received by March 31, 2021:

  • Online nomination form
  • Letter explaining why the candidate wishes to serve on the Steering Committee (including assurance of regular participation in monthly Steering Committee conference calls and face-to-face meetings)
  • Current resume

Elections Process

  • The Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of Steering Committee nominees considering the need for diversity of discipline, geographic location, and demography among those candidates who are interested, available, and qualified.
  • The membership will elect network members to the Steering Committee during the annual RCPN membership meeting, which is in conjunction with the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium.

Term of Office

  • Each Steering Committee member is elected to serve a three-year term.
  • Members of the Steering Committee may serve two full consecutive terms, if elected by the network membership.
  • After a one-year absence from the Steering Committee, a member may be elected to the Steering Committee again.
  • Steering Committee members assume office upon completion of the annual network membership meeting.


If you have questions, please contact Julia Dobbins. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.

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