
Three Kinds of Murder…

By Barbara DiPietro, PhD, Senior Director of Policy I can’t stop thinking about Jordan Neely—who was killed by another rider on a New York City subway car in the middle of the day on May 1 in full view of others. One witness joined in the killing, while others stood by and filmed it. No

Three Kinds of Murder…

Measure Your Org’s Consumer Engagement Efforts with Our New Assessment Tool

Is your health center effectively engaging consumers? We have a new tool to help you better understand just that! Patient perspective contributes to the mission to bring equitable, high quality health care to people with lived experience of homelessness, so it’s important to work toward establishing best practices for consumer engagement and leadership. The National

Measure Your Org’s Consumer Engagement Efforts with Our New Assessment Tool Read More >>

INTERSECTIONS of Homelessness and Human Trafficking

New Issue of Healing Hands Focuses on Human Trafficking

There are many connection points between homelessness and human trafficking, and it’s important that clinicians and care providers who work with people experiencing homelessness have access to accurate and thorough information about these connection points. However, many people are exposed to inaccurate information about the nature of human trafficking in the U.S. and globally. Not

New Issue of Healing Hands Focuses on Human Trafficking Read More >>

Brian Bickford: 2023 Philip W. Brickner National Leadership Award

Philip W. Brickner, MD (1928-2014), established Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) as a national model of care for severely disadvantaged persons. In 1983, Dr. Brickner was chosen to direct the HCH Demonstration Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Pew Charitable Trust, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors. With his team from

Brian Bickford: 2023 Philip W. Brickner National Leadership Award Read More >>

Albert Miller: 2023 Ellen Dailey Consumer Advocate Award

The National Consumer Advisory Board’s (NCAB) annual Ellen Dailey Consumer Advocate Award honors the spirit and strength of founding member Ellen Dailey, a passionate champion of consumer voices in the provision of homeless services who was instrumental in starting the Consumer Advisory Board at the Boston HCH Program in Boston, MA, and NCAB. Albert Miller

Albert Miller: 2023 Ellen Dailey Consumer Advocate Award Read More >>

Jackie Alba-Nguyen: 2023 Karen Rotondo Award for Outstanding Service

The HCH Clinicians’ Network’s annual award celebrates the memory of the Network’s “Founding Mother,” Karen Rotondo. This award recognizes hands-on caregivers who demonstrate vision and creativity in advancing the goals of ending and preventing homelessness, and who have made a significant contribution to improving the health and quality of life of people without homes. Jackie

Jackie Alba-Nguyen: 2023 Karen Rotondo Award for Outstanding Service Read More >>

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