Rejuvenate Consumer Leadership: Lessons from the Updated Consumer Advisory Board Manual

Webinar Slides(PDF)

CAB Manual(PDF)

Consumer Advisory Boards (CABs) are advisory groups of people who use services at a health center and work with the organization to improve program management and service delivery. Based on decades of collective experience participating in CABs, the National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) has updated its CAB Manual to provide accessible guidance to develop CABs.

During this webinar, NCAB members will unveil the updated manual and share lessons on how to start a CAB and maximize consumer leadership to take your work to a new level.


  • David Peery, JD, NCAB Co-Chair, Miami, FL
  • Elving Caraballo, NCAB Regional Representative (Regions 3 & 4), Miami, FL
  • Keith Belton, NCAB Regional Representative (Regions 5 & 7), Chicago, IL


  • Katherine Cavanaugh, MSW, Consumer Advocate, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Baltimore, MD
Categories: Consumer Engagement
Tags: Webinar
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