National Health Care for the Homeless Council
HCH Grantee Directory
Daily Planet Health Services

Established in 1969, Daily Planet Health Services (DPHS) is a federally qualified health center, receiving funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Serving Richmond City and surrounding counties, DPHS’ primary population is individuals experiencing homelessness and housing instability with secondary populations of those living in and around public housing, in shared housing (doubling up) and those living with HIV. Comprehensive health services are provided via an integrated care model that includes medical, mental health, substance use disorder and oral health treatments paired with pharmacy counseling, health education, case management and outreach. This model allows us to address all patient needs, including factors impacted by social determinants of health.
Currently, DPHS provides services at ten locations, including partnerships at two CARITAS locations, Henrico Area Mental Health East and West, two residential programs at Safe Haven and Medical Respite, and one mobile medical unit.
DPHS provides comprehensive primary care, oral health care, mental health (MH) services, pharmacy services, office-based addiction treatment (OBAT) including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD), specialty care (e.g. Ryan White program) and supportive services, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
DPHS services are provided by physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, dentist, psychiatrists and psychiatric NP, licensed mental health clinicians, licensed and certified SA counselors; pharmacist, case managers, and outreach workers.
Daily Planet Health Services has established linkages with several providers and agencies in the Richmond area.
These include Virginia Commonwealth University Health Systems (VCUHS); Richmond Behavioral Health Authority; Bon Secours Health System; the Richmond Academy of Medicine (RAM) Access Now initiative (a centralized specialty care referral system available to uninsured patients of safety net providers in Greater Richmond); VCU School of Pharmacy; The Healing Place (SA residential recovery program); Henrico Area Mental Health and Development Services; Virginia Department of Health; Veteran’s Administration; Commonwealth Catholic Charities; and Homeward (regional coordinator of homeless services).
DPHS also provides internship and externship placements for medical, dental, nursing, social work and pharmacy students for students at select schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Estimated homeless population: 5,000
Patients served: 7,567 in 2023
Consumer Advisory Board
Daily Planet has a Consumer Advisory Board.
General Info
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Administrative Officer
UDS Number
Contact Info
Phone Number
(804) 783-2505
Main Location Physical Address
517 W Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23220