Medicaid and HCH: The Dangers of Block Grants or Per Capita Caps and Guiding Principles for Reform
Medicaid expansion directly helped improve access to health coverage for homeless populations in states that expanded. Download Document (PDF)
Medicaid expansion directly helped improve access to health coverage for homeless populations in states that expanded. Download Document (PDF)
Webinar Slides(PDF) As of this writing, Virginia and Maine are on the cusp of expanding Medicaid coverage through the Affordable Care Act, an option that has drastically benefited people experiencing homelessness in states that haven chosen it so far. While this presents exciting opportunities for growth at Health Care for the Homeless health centers, it
Implications of Medicaid Expansion on HCH Health Centers: Learning from Experience Read More >>
In January 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released guidance to states outlining how they could implement work requirements as a condition for Medicaid. Work requirements are not a new concept for food and housing assistance, but linking them to Medicaid is unprecedented. Download Document (PDF)
Medicaid & Work Requirements: Likely Impact on the HCH Community Read More >>
Example letter written to Senator Van Holden. Download Document (PDF)
Example letter to invite for a site visit Read More >>
People experiencing homelessness have disproportionately high rates of acute and chronic disease and behavioral health conditions and are high utilizers of all components of the health care system. In an era of growing focus on social determinants of health, value-based reimbursements based on risk factors, population health, and better health outcomes, more accurate data on
Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System Read More >>
Webinar Slides(PDF) To qualify for tax exemptions as charitable organizations, not-for-profit hospitals are required to engage in activities that benefit their communities, often known as “hospital community benefit.” These activities can mean additional funding for programs, staffing, and other tangible assistance that meet the needs of people who are homeless, often addressing gaps in existing
This policy brief will give an overview of hospital community benefit requirements, illustrate the difference between two types of benefits, describe how community benefit funds are currently distributed, discuss additional state requirements, consider hospital perspectives, provide examples of successful partnerships currently in practice, and share advice for maximizing hospital partnerships with the Health Care for
Hospital Community Benefit Funds: Resources for the HCH Community Read More >>