Substance Use

Health Care for the Homeless Models of Integrated Care

Webinar Slides(PPT) This webinar will focus on the models of integrated care that three health care for the homeless projects has adopted in order to better serve homeless populations. Homeless populations are much more likely to have complex, multiple occurring disorders that include chronic, somatic conditions coupled with mental health and/or substance use disorders. Traditional models […]

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Substance Abuse Treatment: What works for Homeless Individuals? A Review of the Literature

In substance abuse treatment, a gap exists between scientific research and clinical practice that is not common to other fields of medicine. This gap between research and practice is a concern shared in the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) field as well, a concern which led to the formation of the “Translating Research Into

Substance Abuse Treatment: What works for Homeless Individuals? A Review of the Literature Read More >>

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